This is by no means a well optimized team but its fun, robust, and can work in any area. You can take trinkets to further increase bleed chance, dodge also works nicely, stun resists and dodge are always welcome as well if available. Open vein's debuff can also make more resistant enemies bleed. Even in areas with higher bleed resistance the double riposte, and combo potential for crimson lance and point blank shot are great for ending short fights. He will be at risk of getting smacked the further he is towards the front though, and won't have access to his stress heal or ballad in the front ranks. The jester can apply AoE bleed to ranks 2 and 3 in a pinch, or if your feeling risky throw him into the musical chairs between ranks 1 and 2. Open vein is going to be the main tool for good damage while setting up the bleed while Sanguine edge finishes or severely maims whatever is in ranks 1 or 2. This composition will have your Duchess and highwayman moving around for combos, while also applying bleed when possible for that sweet bonus on bleeding targets for the Duchess. Highwayman has pistol shot, point blank, duelists advance, and open vein,ĭuchess has Sanguine edge, Preposterous challenge, crimson lance, and quell the rabble. Jester has harvest, dirk stab, inspiring tune, and battle ballad,

Vestal has your standard heals judgement and stun, 4Vestal 3Jester 2Highwayman 1Duchess is my ideal roster and placement for them. Gonna first state that I use the human-only version of this mod, but she is a wonderful fit into riposte teams and is a HUGE bleed damage dealer.